Posted : 10/26/2020
Followspots are an essential item in churches, schools, sports arenas, theaters, and convention centers. These followspots assist the audience in focusing their attention on the onstage action and speakers. They come in an assortment of sizes and shapes. When you decide to begin your search for followspots, you may feel a bit overwhelmed, as you may not be sure what is best for your space. Keep reading to learn what steps you should take in your search.
Ultimately, the first step is to determine your throw distance. The throw distance is the amount of space between the farthest upstage pickup and where the followspot is located. This distance can be determined by using a laser measurer or the Pythagorean theorem. Here are a few questions to ask yourself.
The next step involves lighting design and deciding on how many footcandles are needed for the followspot once it is shining on the stage. When considering the followspot’s output, you will need to take into consideration whether or not the FOH lighting is LEDs, traditional fixtures or a hybrid system. The color temperature will need to match, and you won’t want to incorrectly match tungsten with MSR or even LED. By determining the amount of light that will be on stage, you will be able to refine the requirement for the followspot.
This last step focuses on power. You need to figure out the type of power that is able to be assigned to the followspot, such as 120-volt or 208-240-volt in single- or three-phase power. By knowing the power that is available, you will be able to determine the output limitations for your followspot. In addition, you can determine the type of connector that will need to be used. For your outlets, will you need L6-20 or L5-15 or maybe 15amp or 20amp Edison?
If you need help choosing and/or getting your followspot hooked up, get in touch with us at Stargate Lighting. We are happy to provide professional assistance to you and answer any questions that you may have.